Tra Que Vegetable Village

Located in the world cultural heritage area of central Vietnam, Hoi An has a special and attractive strategy to attract domestic and foreign visitors. Most visitors when coming to Hoi An old town visit Tra Que vegetable village with a rich soil and a wide variety of vegetables and herbs.
Tra Que is about 3 km north of Hoi An. The village was famous throughout history for hundreds of years. During your visit through Vietnam, “Tra Que Flavour” would like to invite you to visit this village and enjoy a real farming experience.
Therefore, we have created the following tours associated with the Tra Que village.
1. Famer Tour (8am or 13 pm)
- Depart at the hotel. Our guide takes you to visit the suburbs of Hoi An town, then ride by bicycle to Tra Que village.
- At the “Tra Que Flavour”, welcomes you with a special soft drink - “É” water or local tea. After you dress in farming clothes, take a short walk with the host to learn about the history, culture and people of Tra Que and farmer learn how to plant vegetables.
Finishing the famer, comeback the house to enjoy foot herbal massage.
-After you have luch with local delicacies including: Banh xeo, “tam huu” spring roll, “Tra Que” spring roll…
End the end, the tour guide take you comback your hotel.
2. Fishing tour (8am or 13 pm)
- Depart the hotel and bike to Tra Que village. At the “Tra Que Flavour”, welcomes you with a special soft drink - “É” water or local tea. After the local fisherman takes you to visit the fish pond, lagoon & De Vong River area.
- Become a real fisherman by learning how to fish, spread nets, catch crabs and other traditional Vietnamese fishing skills.
- Finishing the famer, comeback the house to enjoy foot herbal massage. And you have cooking the fresh caught fish with our chef, after enjoy the food and then bike back to the hotel, end of the tour.
3.Cooking Class Tour (8am or 13 pm)
- Depart from your hotel. Our guide, who also is the chef, takes you to visit Hoi An market to buy ingredients for the cooking class. Then you continue to ride to Tra Que village within 15 minutes. The host welcomes you with a special soft drink - “É” water or local tea . After, take a short walk around the vegetable garden to see farmers’ working.
- Begin to learn how to cook local delicacies including: Banh xeo, “tam huu” spring roll, “Tra Que” spring roll…
- After cooking, enjoy the foods cooked by yourself. Bike back to the hotel, end of the tour.
Thôn Trà Quế, Xã Cẩm Hà, Tp. Hội An, Quảng Nam
Tel: 0510.6286252, Hotlines: 0914.088.145 - Mr. Nhất, 0918.83.16.02- Ms.Liên
E-mail:, Website:
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